But several California legislators and immigration advocates criticized the arrests, saying they had caused panic in Southern California's Hispanic community. They accused the Border Patrol of racial profiling, with some Hispanic organizations issuing warnings to illegal aliens on what areas to avoid to keep from being arrested.
Ok so let me see they went in a arrested 420 illegal aliens in southern California, and the politicians there are mad? In the whole article there is not one reference of someone begin arrested and then found to be legally in country. They did not go into churches, schools, or even private homes to do this. I admire the Border Patrol they have a thankless job, one that we all count on being done everyday. Then we have these jack asses that we supposedly elect coming down on them! B.S. All this shows is that they are not working for the people. They are working for themselves. They were put there by these people. They told them ‘come on in and we will give you welfare, free medical and a care free life, all at the tax payers expense!’. These politicians are Liberals. They are only concerned with there power and the border patrol just arrested 420 people that, were and have most likely, already voted for them. Oh and the Hispanic organizations that were issuing warnings. There should be criminal charges filed on these jerk offs. They have interfering with a police action and supporting criminals. What I want to know is why, when groups like these do this kind of crap, doesn’t the Justice Department file charges on them! I know, political correctness. And down the tube we go…. See you at the bottom.